Car accident compensation claims: What to say and not say after an accident.
To make a successful compensation claim it is important to know what to say and what not to say at the scene of an accident.
What shouldn’t you say at the scene of an accident?
Don't admit admit liability for the accident.
Even if you think it was your fault you may later find out it wasn't. Saying sorry at the scene is an admission of fault, and could be something you later come to regret.
Avoid saying “I didn’t see you coming” to the other driver.
This may the true but perhaps the other vehicle was travelling at high speed. It’s also possible that they had just performed an illegal turn so were not visible.
Uttering these types of comments straight after an accident is fairly typical. However, it’s important that you do not make any statements when it comes to admissions of fault. If you do, it’s possible that they will be used against you when it comes to an insurance or personal injury claim.
Focus on exchanging contact information.
Exchange details but politely decline to answer any questions from the other driver. Say you will answer all questions once you have contacted your insurance company and have involved a lawyer.
Answer any questions from the police.
You are required to answer any questions put to you by the police and medical attendees. However avoid making any admissions of fault as these could become part of the police report used in court. Don’t even go so far as to offer an opinion on what you think may have taken place to cause the accident.
Find out if you are entitled to a car accident compensation payout.
If you have already had an accident you should contact one of our car accident claims solicitors without delay.
Call 0800 633 5730 and speak to a solicitor to discuss your case.