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Claim Compensation for Industrial Deafness & Hearing Loss

Tinnitus and industrial deafness are the two most common industrial diseases for people who have worked in a noisy workplace. However, if you are suffering then you can could possibly make a claim for compensation from your employer.

The 2005 Noise at Work Act states that employers have a legal obligation to reduce or prevent health and safety risks in the workplace. When it comes to noise, they need to perform regular risk assessments and put into place control on the risk. Control might mean that they issue hearing protection, move noisy equipment or set maximum hours for people to be exposed to noise.

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a hearing complaint that is a result of being subjected to too much noise over a prolonged period. It can also be caused by an unexpected sudden loud noise such as that created by a heavy load dropped from a height or an explosion.

It manifests itself by the sufferer hearing a constant ringing or buzzing sound in the ear. It may also be difficult to keep up with conversations in noisy places such as in busy cafes. If you are suffering from tinnitus you won’t be able to discern the ‘s’ sound as part of the conversation in a noisy location.

What can be done about industrial deafness?

The first action to take if you suspect that your hearing has been affected by being exposed to noise is to set an appointment with a qualified hearing professional. They will be able to assess your level of hearing and inform you on the level of damage that you have sustained.

It might be possible for you to be eligible to make a claim for compensation from your employer if you feel that they did not protect you against industrial deafness. If you weren’t provided with the correct ear protection then you could well be in the position to be able to make a claim.

To find out if you can make a claim for hearing damage caused by exposure to noise, contact your solicitor for more information. They could help you to claim for compensation fast in addition to giving you free legal advice. Solicitors are experienced in claiming compensation for hearing damage and will help you get a fair pay-out.

Suffering from industrial deafness can impact the future earnings of workers. They might not be able to get a job due to difficulty hearing. If you feel that you employers have been negligent then contact us today.