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Claiming for industrial deafness.

If you have suffered hearing damage after exposure to noise at work, call Imperium Law for a free no-obligation legal consultation.

Our injury lawyers have experience representing all types of hearing loss claim cases including NIHL, acoustic trauma and tinnitus. We have successfully won payouts for many employees who have suffered hearing damage because of employer negligence.

Claim case example:

If you are suffering hearing damage caused by exposure to noise at work call our hearing loss team for no-obligation legal advice.

We represented Mr H, a local authority road maintenance worker from South Yorkshire, in his claim against his employer.

For 20 years Mr H had operated jack hammers without being offered ear defenders or warned of potential damage to his hearing.  After prolonged exposure to noise his ability to hear clearly was reduced and he was diagnosed with mild hearing loss.

His local authority employer refused to accept his claim for compensation, stating that his hearing was not damaged. With the help of a hearing expert we were able to prove a) he was suffering mild hearing loss, b) the loss was due to his job and c) his employer was at fault.

A compensation payout was won in the amount of £4,750.

About Imperium Law.

Our hearing loss team is headed by Philip Jackson. He is a renowned expert in hearing loss law and has both the legal expertise needed and a medical understanding of the subject. His extensive knowledge and experience has led to many successful compensation payouts for injured workers.

If you would like a no-obligation review of your claim please call our injury team on 0800 633 5730.

Why choose us?

  • We can represent you on a 'No Win-No Fee' basis which means you have no financial risk and do not need to worry about legal fees.
  • We offer free initial advice to help you work out if you are entitled to make an industrial deafness claim against your employer.
  • We have years of experience successfully winning claim payouts.

To make a successful hearing claim we must show:

  • You are suffering from deafness / hearing loss, a medical report will be needed as proof.
  • Your condition was caused by exposure to a particular noise at work, this must be supported by witness statements and documentary evidence.
  • Your employer could have foreseen that exposure to prolonged or excessive noise could cause damage to your hearing.
  • Your employer was negligent and failed to protect you from harm.

What if your employer has ceased trading?

If the company where your hearing was damaged is no longer in business we can still make a claim on your behalf by tracing its insurer.

If you have suffered hearing damage at work call our hearing loss team on 0800 633 5730. Alternatively fill in our contact form and we'll call you back at a time that suits you.