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Have you been the victim of professional negligence?

Want to claim compensation for negligent advice that cost you money?

Call a negligence lawyer at Imperium Law for a no-obligation claim review to see if you are due a payout. Telephone us on 0800 633 5730.

There are many times in life when you may need to take professional advice.

When taking the trouble to seek out a professional for their expert opinion, the last thing you expect to happen is negligence. However for some unlucky people this happens. The advice followed then leads to serious consequences, such as a significant loss of money, loss of valuable time or a missed opportunity.

The fact is professionals can and do make mistakes.

If you have suffered and have fallen victim because of a mistake, we can look at your case to see if negligence can be proved. If it can then you are entitled to make a claim.

As professional negligence is a complex area of law, you need to enlist a specialist lawyer to fight your in corner and on your behalf.

Types of professional negligence.

Claims can be made against all types of professional adviser including:

  • Solicitors
  • Financial advisers
  • Accountants
  • Tax consultants
  • Pension advisers
  • Surveyors
  • Architects
  • Estate agents
  • Barristers

Grounds for making a claim.

If you believe the advice you were offered was exceptionally bad and led to significant losses, there are two grounds for making a claim.

  1. If the advisor failed to adhere to their industry’s standard code of practice.
  2. If another experienced professional working in the same field would have given you different advice.

As each case is unique you are recommended to call a negligence expert to discuss your circumstances to see if you are entitled to compensation.

At Imperium Law we have a specialist team dedicated to winning your case and obtaining the settlement you deserve.

Call us on 0800 633 5730 to discuss your case, or alternatively fill in our contact form and we’ll call you.