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I was injured in a shop, am I entitled to slip, trip or fall compensation?

If you have fallen whilst shopping then you could be due a payout.

Seek claims advice to find out if you are entitled to compensation by calling 0800 633 5730.

Slip, trip and fall accidents are quite common and can take place anywhere and at any time. If you have been injured in a public place such as a shop, you can make a claim against the owner’s public liability insurance.

Shops and shopping centres are areas of trading and as such are classed as public spaces. With many people entering these environments owners are required to adhere to health and safety laws to keep the place clean, safe and hazard free.

Common causes of accidents are slipping on a wet floor after cleaning or slipping on a spillage which has not been cleaned up.

In cases where cleaning is in progress or a liquid has been spilled, a sign alerting you to take care and be aware of a wet floor is required.

If you slipped and suffered injury and no warning sign was present, you can make a claim because the person cleaning failed to follow health and safety guidelines.

What to do after suffering an injury.

The first priority is to seek medical treatment for your injury.

Then whether you slipped on a wet floor, fell down an unguarded hole or tripped over an object you could not see, the advice is the same – seek legal advice straightaway.

When seeking compensation it is best to act without delay. You will require medical proof of your injury, evidence of where you were hurt and the circumstances of the accident.

Physical injury has to be substantiated and there needs to be proof that it happened.

  • Was a caution sign placed in plain view to warn you of the risk of slipping on the wet floor?
  • Was the hole or poorly maintain staircase you fell down taped off with warnings clear to see?
  • Was there a sign to warn of obstacles where you were walking?

If the answer is no there was no warning of danger, then blame for your accident can be placed on the other party such as the shopping centre’s management.

Why contact Imperium Law for claims advice?

By contacting one of our specialist personal injury solicitors at an early stage you can be sure that you will receive the best advice from the outset.

Early advice can greatly improve the likelihood of a successful claim.

At Imperium our legal team can ensure all evidence is gathered and the correct steps are followed right from the start, and while the accident is still fresh in everyone’s mind.

Call us for a no obligation chat. We can review your claim to establish if you are entitled to compensation. If we believe that you are then we can represent you on ‘No Win-No Fee’ basis, which means no worrying about how you will pay our costs.

We are here to get you the compensation you deserve for the pain and suffering you have experienced.

In addition if you have had to take periods of time off work without pay for treatment connected to your injury, we can help you claim for that too.

For legal advice as to how to proceed with a claim call our specialist injury team on 0800 633 5730.