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Motorbike Accidents at a Glance

According to UK law, motorbike accidents are considered just like any other traffic accident when it comes to compensation processes. If the accident has left the motorcyclist unable to work, with damaged property or with an injury and it is not their fault, then they are advised to file for compensation.

If you are involved in a motorbike accident, your first priority should be to seek and receive medical treatment. Even if the injury is minor, a visit to the general practitioner is still recommended.

The police are unable to attend every traffic collision. If the accident is not major and has caused minor damage or injury then they encourage those present to work things out between them. If you are involved in a motorbike accident to which the police were not in attendance then it is highly recommended that you attend your nearest police station to request that the particulars of the accident are officially recorded.

In the UK, motorcyclists are sometimes seen as ‘bikers’ and they are perceived as being less aware of safety and more careless than other drivers. This is why when there is a collision it is important that the motorcyclist seeks the assistance of a qualified solicitor to help them make a successful motorbike accident compensation claim.

Most accidents that occur in the UK are as a result of somebody driving under the influence of drugs or drink or because the driver was speeding. If you have been involved in an accident when the driver is speeding or under the influence then it may appear to be a clear-cut case to you when it comes to claiming compensation. However, the longer that it takes for the case to appear in court the more likely it is that the driver will deny any responsibility. This is where you need the help of an experienced solicitor.

Where an accident has been caused due to driver distraction such as map reading, mobile phone texting or preening in the mirror, any claim for compensation sought by the motorcyclist will be fortified by the backup of medical and police reports. It is essential to ensure that these reports are made and that you have a copy of them when possible.

If you were not at fault in the accident but it has left you with an injury, damaged property or being unable to work then you are entitled to ask for compensation. Who you approach for compensation will depend upon the circumstances of the accident. If the accident occurred due to a badly repaired road or badly positioned road signs then you would need to claim compensation from the road owner.

To find out more about how to make a claim contact us today.