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Winter Weather and Car Accidents

Severe winter weather increases car accident claims.

Bad weather conditions often lead to an increase in winter weather car accident claims, in many cases these are accidents which could have been avoided.

What can you do to prevent a winter car accident?

Of those accidents recorded each winter, around 48% are caused by skidding. In order to cut down on this risk there are some things you can do to prepare your vehicle for bad weather. By taking a few simple steps you should be in a much better position to avoid a winter accident:

Check your lights daily.

If your brake lights or your fog lights aren’t working this could cause a serious accident. Even though checking your lights might seem like an unnecessary burden, this act alone could save your life.

Top up the anti-freeze.

Nobody wants to get stuck in cold weather because their engine won’t start. It’s important to top up your anti-freeze so that you are ready to go when you want to.

Keep washer liquid to hand.

Once grit has been applied to snow or ice, it can make the roads very dirty. This mess can spray up off the tyres of other vehicles onto your windscreen. It’s critical for  your safety that you can see out of the windscreen.

Be prepared for the worst.

Just carrying a scraper along for the journey isn’t really enough. You should be taking blankets, a rope, a torch, water and some high energy snacks just in case.

Switch on fog lights.

If visibility drops below 200 feet then you should turn on the fog lights. Many winter accidents are down to bad visibility. You can stay up to date on current conditions by keeping the radio tuned to the local station.

Travel at a slower speeds.

Slippery conditions make it harder to stop. Be sure to drive slowly so that you can maintain a safe distance between you and the car in front.

These simple tips might help you avoid a winter weather car accident.

However, if you have already been involved in an accident that was not your fault, you might be wondering what can I claim?

For car accident claims advice call Imperium Law on 0800 633 5730.