Mesothelioma compensation claims.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to claim compensation for exposure to asbestos.
Solicitors at Imperium Law can help you make a claim for compensation if you have developed mesothelioma as the result of exposure to asbestos at work.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer, and since the 1960s the link between asbestos and mesothelioma has been well known. However despite its dangers, asbestos remained in industrial use well into the mid 1970s.
It is sadly the case that while many companies were aware of the danger of asbestos exposure, they chose to put their employees’ lives at risk through continued contact with asbestos fibres.
Companies who have failed in their duty to protect their workforce, can be held responsible by those individuals who have gone on to develop an industrial disease.
Making a mesothelioma compensation claim.
Your claim can be considered regardless of whether:
- You worked for several different employers.
- The asbestos exposure took place years ago.
- Your employer has now ceased trading.
- You were a self-employed contractor at the time of your exposure.
- You had secondary exposure to asbestos through contact with a family member’s clothing.
- You are a family member claiming after the death of a relative.
However it is important to be aware that you should make a claim within 3 years of any symptoms becoming apparent.
Why choose Imperium Law to represent you?
- Having Imperium Law on your side improves your chances of getting the compensation payout you deserve.
- Our solicitors understand how distressing a mesothelioma diagnosis must be, and therefore we dedicate our time to getting you the justice you deserve.
- We will work tirelessly on your behalf to prove your claim for compensation on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis.