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Compensation payouts have been agreed in settlement of industrial deafness claims made by Lancashire factory workers exposed to excessive noise at work.

Workers employed in factories and mills in the Lancashire towns of Pendle, Burnley and Rossendale are to receive compensation for hearing damage. Payouts have been agreed for workers whose hearing loss ranged from mild to severe.

If your hearing has been damaged at work you could be entitled to make a claim.

Claims examples include a payout for a worker employed by Smith and Nephew as a beam gaiter in a weaving shed. After prolonged exposure to weaving loom noise the worker suffered mild hearing loss and was awarded compensation totalling £3,250.

In a further claim case a former carpet weaver suffered mild hearing loss in a similar manner and was awarded £1,379. payout.

Compensation settlements agreed vary according to the circumstances and the severity of the hearing damage.

Find out about making a claim if you worked in a noisy environment and suffered hearing damage.

Even if you no longer work for the same employer we can still make a claim on your behalf.

We can trace your previous employer, even if they have ceased trading we can find out who their insurers were and still make a claim on your behalf.

Your hearing damage may have happened years ago and you can still make a claim provided you contact us within three years of becoming aware or being diagnosed with hearing loss.

It can take years for symptoms to become apparent but once they do you should seek medical advice straight away. A hearing loss expert needs to examine your hearing to assess the extent of the damage and their report will become the basis of proving your claim.

To discuss making a claim and to find out how much compensation you could receive call 0800 633 5730.

At Imperium Law we have specialist hearing loss solicitors with years of experience winning compensation payouts  for injured workers.

Our director Philip Jackson has vast experience and extensive knowledge of this area of law. He and his team can represent you on a 'No Win-No Fee' basis, which means you only pay us if we win you compensation.

To confidentially discuss your case in more detail call us for a free consultation on 0800 633 5730 or alternatively fill in our call back form.

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