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If you have been injured after slipping or tripping and the accident was caused by another’s negligence, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Winter is a time when slip and trip accidents increase in number, and while in a large number of cases no one is at fault, there are times when injuries happen because of the negligent actions of others.

Claim case example: A call to our personal injury team can get the payout you deserve.

Our injury solicitors recently successfully settled a public liability claim on behalf of Ms F, who was injured whilst out walking her dog.

Ms F, who is partially sighted, was walking her dog near to her home during the winter of 2012. Having impaired vision requires Ms F to walk with caution, however in spite of taking care she suddenly slipped and fell on a patch of ice.

The day prior to her walk a water mains had sprung a leak causing a significant amount water to seep up along the road and pavement. This water had frozen overnight creating a large patch of ice.

As a result of the accident Ms F suffered a back injury, bruised ribs and a number of cuts to her face which resulted in scarring.

Ms F contact our team at Imperium Law and asked us to make a claim on her behalf.

After an investigation of the circumstances of her fall, our injury team were able to show that the water company was at fault as the water mains leak should have been fixed earlier.

The water company accepted liability and admitted they were at fault because if they had fixed the leaking mains earlier the accident would never have happened.

Ms F’s claim was settled in the sum of £7,000 for personal injury and other losses.

To make a claim after slipping or tripping in a public space call 0800 633 5730.

There are many kinds of slip and trip accident where you are entitled to make a claim.

Common claim examples:

  • tripping on an unusually uneven surface.
  • slipping on spilt liquid or a wet surface.
  • tripping because of poor lighting.
  • slipping on ice that should have been cleared.

After a review of the circumstances of your accident we can advise if you have a case for compensation.

Why choose us to represent you?

Our injury team has a proven track record of successfully winning injury compensation for claimants. We can represent you on a ‘No Win-No Fee’ basis which means you only pay us if we win you a payout.

To discuss making a claim, call us on 0800 633 5730, or alternatively fill in our call back form and we will be in touch at a time that suits you.


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