If you have suffered because of a skin cancer misdiagnosis, Imperium Law can help you make a negligence claim against the health-carer responsible.
Our solicitors understand that cancer misdiagnosis can be traumatic and devastating. We are sympathetic to your needs and are here to get you a payout as quickly as possible
Misdiagnosis of cancer is not only when a doctor mistakes your symptoms for another disease causing delays in treatment.
It is also when cancer is diagnosed which leads to invasive surgery when you are not suffering from cancer at all.
Example of wrongly diagnosed skin cancer.
It is sometimes the case that a patient is diagnosed with skin cancer by mistake. This was the case for a woman who was told she had a malignant melanoma, the treatment was a wide excision followed by a skin graft which resulted in scarring.
At a later date it was discovered that the mole removed was not malignant at all and she had undergone unnecessary surgery. A settlement of £25,000 was agreed for the stress and anxiety caused by the mistaken cancer diagnosis and the scarring caused by her treatment.
At Imperium Law we would rather patients receive the right treatment and live long and healthy lives. However when this does not happen because of negligent treatment we are here to get justice for those who have suffered.
We represent our clients on a ‘No Win-No Fee’ basis because we believe by doing so we enable all individuals to pursue their rights regardless of their financial situation.
We can highlight the medical failings surrounding your case, and win you the maximum compensation settlement possible.
Claim example of misdiagnosed skin cancer.
The family of an immigration officer whose GP failed to notice he had a malignant melanoma received a compensation settlement after his death.
There is no need to worry about paying our costs as we will only ask you to pay our fee if we win you a payout.
Mr Y was a family man with young children who visited his GP to have a mole on his abdomen checked over. His GP mistakenly diagnosed the mole as benign and failed to send it to the lab for analysis.
Just over a year later he discovered his lesion was in fact a malignant melanoma which had metastasised. Four months later Mr Y died.
His wife made a claim for compensation against his GP as it was shown had his cancer been accurately diagnosed and treated Mr Y’s life expectancy would have significantly increased.
While Mrs Y’s compensation payout cannot bring her husband back, it can provide financial stability and support for her children as they grow up.
Negligence claims.
With advancements in diagnosis and treatment, a large proportion of cancer sufferers go on to lead long lives, however mistakes can happen and symptoms can be missed which results in a very different outcome.
If diagnosis is delayed and cancer is allowed to go untreated or if errors are made with the treatment given, the opportunity to successfully treat the disease can be lost.
If you believe that you have been misdiagnosed or have suffered from negligent medical treatment seek legal advice.
Compensation amounts.
The amount of compensation that could be awarded is based on what the outcome could have been if there had been an earlier diagnosis and treatment.
If you or a loved one has suffered because of a cancer misdiagnosis, call a clinical negligence solicitor at Imperium Law to review your case and advise what similar claims have paid out.